In Comedy, Chaos, & Calamity, the author brings humor and insight to the unprecedented events of Donald Trump's four-year term. Through weekly, one-page commentaries sent directly to the White House, and then to an expanding list of friends, family, colleagues, and random acquaintances, Paige shares her take on the political drama, absurdities, and surprises of the Trump presidency.
Offering a sharp, exhaustively researched, and witty look back at an administration that felt like a reality show, Comedy, Chaos, & Calamity reminds us why the Trump era was both outrageous and unforgettable.
The Weekly Screed: January 20, 2019 (Volume III, Issue 3)
TO: The Donald - A National Embarrassment
Early Reader Feedback
· Hi Kelly, I would like to take a moment to thank you specifically for spending your time/energy each and every week to inform us, coach us and guide us with your important brand of insight. Thank you Kelly, for the "shot in the arm" I need each week so I don't lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel. RMD
· Kelly, this is just fantastic! HUGE thank you for letting me in on these little gems. I have read the October 8th and 15th Screed and will be looking forward to them every week now! You MUST publish these! HS
· Hi Kelly, here’s another friend of mine who would like to receive your Weekly Screed. I had sent her your "Bad Santa." SB
· [When a Weekly Screed was sent out late]: Whew! A relief. Thought maybe it had gotten so bad you were throwing in the towel. Thank goodness you are not. SF
· Dear Kelly, I think I speak for all when I say thank you for all of your hard work and dedication in getting the Weekly Screed out for all of these weeks. I don't know how you did it but thank you for hanging in there and keeping our attention focused on what was going on in the Nation’s Capital. Our long nightmare is over and we can breathe again!! MW
· Your critical eye and wit will be missed, Kelly. Thank you for sharing your insights over the past years. And thank you for your service (-:), to apply an overused phrase. We'll miss your sharp analysis. DF
· Thanks for 4 years of dedication to humorously enlighten your readers with a weekly summary of The Impostor's idiotic blurts and antics. No doubt I'm not the only one who will miss your insightful Screeds! Thanks for the weekly morale boost and the giggles! CC
· Kelly, I just love this so much. You are fantastic. So looking forward to tomorrow, particularly seeing KAMALA get sworn in. YAH!!!! CG
· Thank you for 4 years of hard labor. CH
· There is a bitter sweetness in this final screed. I have loved your weekly screeds and looked forward to them and so I will miss them but at the same time thank goodness this mad man is out of office finally. Thanks for making the last four years more bearable. JM